Sequential-access devices Error reporting (sequential access) ERASE command

10.2 Command descriptions for sequential-access devices

The commands for sequential-access devices shall be as shown in table 174.

Table 174 - Commands for sequential-access devices

|  Command name                       | Operation  | Type |  Subclause |
|                                     |   code     |      |            |
| CHANGE DEFINITION                   |    40h     |   O  |   8.2.1    |
| COMPARE                             |    39h     |   O  |   8.2.2    |
| COPY                                |    18h     |   O  |   8.2.3    |
| COPY AND VERIFY                     |    3Ah     |   O  |   8.2.4    |
| ERASE                               |    19h     |   M  |  10.2.1    |
| INQUIRY                             |    12h     |   M  |   8.2.5    |
| LOAD UNLOAD                         |    1Bh     |   O  |  10.2.2    |
| LOCATE                              |    2Bh     |   O  |  10.2.3    |
| LOG SELECT                          |    4Ch     |   O  |   8.2.6    |
| LOG SENSE                           |    4Dh     |   O  |   8.2.7    |
| MODE SELECT(6)                      |    15h     |   M  |   8.2.8    |
| MODE SELECT(10)                     |    55h     |   O  |   8.2.9    |
| MODE SENSE(6)                       |    1Ah     |   M  |   8.2.10   |
| MODE SENSE(10)                      |    5Ah     |   O  |   8.2.11   |
| PREVENT ALLOW MEDIUM REMOVAL        |    1Eh     |   O  |   9.2.4    |
| READ                                |    08h     |   M  |  10.2.4    |
| READ BLOCK LIMITS                   |    05h     |   M  |  10.2.5    |
| READ BUFFER                         |    3Ch     |   O  |   8.2.12   |
| READ POSITION                       |    34h     |   O  |  10.2.6    |
| READ REVERSE                        |    0Fh     |   O  |  10.2.7    |
| RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS          |    1Ch     |   O  |   8.2.13   |
| RECOVER BUFFERED DATA               |    14h     |   O  |  10.2.8    |
| RELEASE UNIT                        |    17h     |   M  |  10.2.9    |
| REQUEST SENSE                       |    03h     |   M  |   8.2.14   |
| RESERVE UNIT                        |    16h     |   M  |  10.2.10   |
| REWIND                              |    01h     |   M  |  10.2.11   |
| SEND DIAGNOSTIC                     |    1Dh     |   M  |   8.2.15   |
| SPACE                               |    11h     |   M  |  10.2.12   |
| TEST UNIT READY                     |    00h     |   M  |   8.2.16   |
| VERIFY                              |    13h     |   O  |  10.2.13   |
| WRITE                               |    0Ah     |   M  |  10.2.14   |
| WRITE BUFFER                        |    3Bh     |   O  |   8.2.17   |
| WRITE FILEMARKS                     |    10h     |   M  |  10.2.15   |
|Key:  M = command implementation is mandatory.                        |
|      O = command implementation is optional.                         |
The following command codes are vendor-specific: 02h, 06h, 07h, 09h, 0Ch, and 0Eh. All other command codes for sequential-access devices are reserved for future standardization.